Residential Leases
Assistance for Both Landlords & Tenants 

"I sold my house this week. I got a pretty good price for it, but it made my landlord mad as hell."Garry Shandling

Tenant Troubles? Let Aurora Assist Navigate the Legal Maze for You

Aurora Assist has a team of experienced lawyers and administrations in both the UK and USA who are dedicated to providing expert advice on Landlord & Tenant law. They have a deep understanding of the relevant legislation in their respective countries and are well-equipped to provide tailored solutions to the needs of clients. Whether clients are navigating the complexities of renting a property or dealing with disputes with their landlord, Aurora Assist's specialists have the expertise to guide them through the process and ensure the best possible outcome in either country.

UK Tenants - How We Can Help You

Aurora Assist - Your Trusted Partner for Renting Property in the UK

Are you renting a house or apartment in the United Kingdom? Look no further than Aurora Assist, your reliable source of guidance and support throughout your tenancy journey. We understand the intricacies of the rental process and the challenges that may arise. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of renting and ensuring that your rights as a tenant are protected.

At Aurora Assist, we offer comprehensive assistance tailored to your specific rental needs. Here's how we can help.

Paperwork and Responsibilities

We will guide you through all the necessary paperwork, ensuring that you understand your responsibilities as a tenant. From tenancy agreements to legal obligations, we'll provide clarity and ensure that you're well-informed.

Inventory and Check-Out Process

We'll assist you in the inventory process, ensuring that you have a comprehensive record of the property's condition at the start of your tenancy. When your rental period ends, we'll guide you through the check-out process, helping you protect yourself from any disputes with your landlord regarding damages or deposit returns.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution

If you encounter any problems with your landlord, we can act as a mediator on your behalf to find a resolution. We'll strive to maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship and ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and fairly. We can also review any notices served, such as a Section 21 notice, to ensure their validity and compliance with legal requirements.

Sham Tenancy Agreements

Some landlords may misclassify tenancy agreements as licenses, even when they should be Assured Shorthold Tenancies (ASTs). If you find yourself in a situation where your landlord maintains it's a license and not an AST, we can help ensure your statutory rights are not compromised. Our expert team will review your tenancy agreement and provide the necessary guidance to safeguard your rights as a tenant.

Tenant Fees Act 2019

We are well-versed in the provisions of the Tenant Fees Act 2019, which regulates the fees that landlords and letting agents can charge tenants. We'll ensure that you are aware of your rights under this legislation, and if you have been charged any prohibited fees, we can assist you in seeking redress and recovering unlawfully charged amounts.

Rent Repayment Orders

If you're renting in England or Wales and find yourself in a disadvantaged position due to your landlord's actions, we may be able to assist you with a Rent Repayment Order. This legal mechanism aims to help tenants in specific circumstances.

Reliable and Trusted Rental Assistance

With Aurora Assist, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable partner to support you throughout your tenancy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in renting a property and protecting your rights as a tenant.

If you require assistance with renting a property, Aurora Assist is here to guide you every step of the way. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and positive renting experience for you.

US Tenants - How We Can Help You

Aurora Assist provides comprehensive assistance for tenants of residential properties in the United States. Whether you're just starting out with renting a property or need assistance with an old tenancy, Aurora Assist can help.

We can assist you with lease preparation and advice, as well as mediation with your landlord if any issues arise. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff can take care of all the paperwork and ensure that you understand all the terms of the lease, particularly your obligations at the end of the term. We can also check to ensure that your landlord is not attempting to charge illegal fees.

We can also help you understand the process for getting your security deposit back and ensure that you're not unfairly charged for damages. Our team can take you through what is necessary with the inventory and your exit of the property to protect you.

Renters in the United States have certain rights and protections under the law, and Aurora Assist can help you understand and assert those rights. For example, in some states, landlords are required to give notice before entering your rental unit, and in others, landlords must provide a habitable living space. Our team can also check to ensure that any applicable notices, such as a notice to vacate or eviction notice, are served correctly.

If you're a tenant facing an issue with your rental property, Aurora Assist is here to help. Contact us today for more information on our services.

We can also help if matters need escalating through the courts, tribunals or deposit systems that exist in your jurisdiction. If you have any questions or if we can assist you with the current or old tenancy, contact us today.